

導(dǎo)讀:延安旅游景點介紹房間英語(延安景點英文介紹) 介紹延安的英語句子 關(guān)于延安旅游的英語作文 陜西旅游景點介紹 英文版 中文對照




Yanan is a place known to the world revolution, as the State Council released the first batch of 24 historical and cultural cities. Yan'an in ancient times known as extension of the state, is located in the north of Shaanxi Province, is located in the middle reaches of the Yellow River has always been in Northern Shaanxi political, economic, cultural and military center, Baota District under the jurisdiction of the city, to extend the county, Zichang County, Ansai County, Zhidan County, Wuqi County, Ganquan County, Fuxian, Luochuan County, Yichuan County, Huanglong County, Huangling County and 12 counties. Historically, Yan'an is the end of the long march of the Red Army, and the Communist Party of China in 1935 and 1948 base. Therefore, it is regarded as "the sacred place of the revolution" is national patriotism education, revolutionary tradition education and Yan'an spirit education three education base.


昨天,驕陽似火,爸爸、媽媽帶我乘著火車,經(jīng)過23小時的顛簸,終于在今天下午來到了革命圣地——延安。 Yesterday, scorching sun, father, mother and I took a train, after 23 hours of bumps along the way, finally in the afternoon came to the sacred place of the revolution -- Yanan. 我們先遠眺延安的象征——寶塔山,然后,來到了楊家?guī)X。楊家?guī)X是毛主席等領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人曾經(jīng)生活、工作的地方。我們首先來到了中央大禮堂。它是1942年落成的,長35米,寬30米,可容納千余人,這里曾經(jīng)隆重召開了黨的第七次代表大會。大禮堂的中央有朱德和毛主席的頭像,兩邊各有三面黨旗,前面是一張陳舊的演講臺。我走到講臺,感覺作為革命的接班人很自豪。接著,我們穿過中共中央辦公廳,來到了毛主席、朱德、周恩來等領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人的舊居參觀。這些故居相鄰,是窯洞,雖然不豪華甚至很破舊,但你可別小看它。據(jù)導(dǎo)游介紹,洞里冬暖夏涼,因為洞周圍的泥土比較厚實,能隔熱、擋風沙、擋寒氣。我真想在這里住一晚,可這是不可能的。于是,我依依不舍地離開窯洞,回到了酒店。 We'll overlook Yanan symbol -- Pagoda Hill, then, come here. Here is the Chairman Mao and other leaders have life, place of work. We first came to the central auditorium. It was completed in 1942, 35 meters long, 30 meters wide, can accommodate more than 1000 people, once held the Seventh National Congress of the party. Zhu De and Chairman Mao's portrait auditorium of the central, on each side of three party flag, in front of an old stage. I walked to the podium, feel very proud as a revolutionary successors. Then, we went through the general office of the CPC Central Committee, to Chairman Mao, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai and leader's visit. These adjacent home, is a cave, although not luxurious even very old, but you can not look down upon it. According to the tour guide, the hole warm in winter and cool in summer, because the surrounding soil is quite thick, insulation, wind and sand, blocking the cold. I really want to live here for a night, but this is not possible. So, I left the cave to be reluctant to part, back to the hotel. 延安真是革命圣地,這次紅色之旅讓我見識到了黨的豐功偉績。我要把革命前輩們堅持不懈、不畏艱難的精神用在學習上,做好黨的接班人。 Yanan is a sacred place of the revolution, the red tour to let me see the party's valiant record. I want to bring revolutionary predecessors unremittingly, not afraid of difficulties in the spirit of learning, do the successors of the party.

陜西旅游景點介紹 英文版 中文對照

西安, 陜西省的首都,在少數(shù)個中國城市肥沃韋古老墻壁能仍然被看見的。西安建于超過3,000年并且有印象深刻的收藏的考古學依靠幫助解釋它攸久的歷史。以前叫作Chang'an (“ternal和平”),市西安擔當了資本在13朝代以下。

Xi'an是在地方藝術(shù)之內(nèi)的叫作背心并且制作它興旺的考古學再生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)業(yè)的社區(qū),特點繪Neolothic瓦器; 與實物大小一樣的Qin赤土陶器形象、給上釉的特性葬禮商品和特性墳塋壁畫。 各種各樣的民間工藝在這個區(qū)域也導(dǎo)致,包括針線,陶瓷,紙切開和摩擦(做由石雕刻印象)。

中國有231個皇帝和一位支配的女皇, 079年誰在陜西被埋葬了。 一個皇家陵墓在陜西,對大多的蘋果訪客,是Oianling墳塋吳Zetian,中國的唯一的tuling的女皇和她的hubband李Zhi,有特性皇帝Qin shihuang的作為“星水池”和馬皇帝Gaozong被贊譽的赤土陶器戰(zhàn)士在周朝2,800年前,有6,000年的歷史的新石器時代的Banpo博物館---一個重要被挖掘的被恢復(fù)的Neolothic中國村莊、在早明朝修筑的中國的佳被保存的市墻壁(1368-1644),著名callgraphers架設(shè)在652,石碑森林,最大的石圖書館在中國并且稱的中國書法寶庫與雄偉收藏的大狂放的鵝塔形成漢朝(206 BC-AD 220)對清朝(1644-1911)。


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