:2011年8月9號 ~ 2011年8月17號
第六期 暑假,對于學生和老師是比較方便的
2. 西藏地處高原,大部分客人會或多或少有高原反應(頭疼、胸悶等),只要注意休息好飲食得當(切勿吃的太飽,增加腸胃負擔),一般來說過1--2天后,反應癥狀都會逐步減輕或消失;可適當服用一些藥品,如:高原安、紅景天、諾迪康等,嚴重者可適當吸氧,或吊鹽水。適應之后在藏期間就不會再發(fā)生高原反應了。
A . 進藏機票折扣較好,訂票容易,另外因為時間短沒火車進藏疲憊,當天有足夠的時間休息更容易適應高原環(huán)境。
B .西藏旅游旺季火車進藏票務比較緊張,出藏火車票可以有保證,免除您的后顧之憂。
【參加條件】參加驢友有團隊意識!活 動召集人保留挑選活動參加者的權利.
1. 注意安全,聽從領隊的安排,遵守團隊紀律,集體行動,團結友愛,互相照顧,不擅自離開行軍路線。違反紀律,后果自負。
2. 活動中不能亂丟垃圾,鼓勵拾撿垃圾,提倡環(huán)保,做到“留下的只是你的腳印,帶走的只是你的留影”。
3. 因天氣或不可抗拒因素,領隊有權利對行程進行適當?shù)恼{(diào)整或取消
1.旅游西藏地區(qū)最佳旅游時機是5-8月份。秋天高原的含氧量相對充足。而且天氣相對怡人。建議7-8月份去最合適。而且穿的衣服較少,活動起來比較方便。雖然7-8月份是內(nèi)地一年中最熱的時候。西藏的太陽也很曬。但那邊的濕度小。也不會給人悶熱的感覺。報團找西藏當?shù)氐?a href='/lvxing/' target=_blank>旅行社性價比會高一些,如一些國營旅行社。2.裝備但高原地區(qū)氣候變化迅速。最好貼身穿一件速干衣(最好短袖),外面加一件長袖純棉衛(wèi)衣。足可以應付7-8月份早中晚的天氣。當然,行李里面必須有一件沖鋒衣。到海拔高的地方就能用到,通常海拔提高1000米,氣溫下降6度。如果不是徒步,一般不需要穿專業(yè)戶外、涉水鞋。只要舒服一點的平底鞋足矣。裝備品質要好,關鍵時刻你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)品質的重要性?,F(xiàn)在市場上戶外品牌很多。如果自駕最好帶著睡袋。因為路途中如果需要住在沿途老鄉(xiāng)家里。睡袋可以保證你的衛(wèi)生。3.防曬防曬是個大問題。高倍數(shù)的防曬用品。在高原地區(qū),是離天最近的地方,再高的防曬系數(shù)都不覺得過分。防曬噴霧最好隨身帶,隨時補充水分,補充防曬指數(shù)。太陽鏡必不可少。那陽光,你不帶就知道后果的嚴重。帽子,頭巾也不要忘記,多功能的頭巾不僅可以讓你遮蔽陽光,如果遇到大風天,還可以保護皮膚。4.背包還是拉桿箱背包客的確很瀟灑但他們的大包讓他們真的很辛苦。而且無論是自駕還是坐火車、飛機,完全不必要把所有的行頭放進一個大背包里。大多數(shù)時候你可以放在后備箱或行李架。所以,隨身攜帶一個大小適中的包,能裝得下防曬用品,一個外套,飲用水,個人證件及其他七零八碎用品足夠。其余的東西統(tǒng)統(tǒng)放進拉桿箱吧。這樣可以讓你的旅程跟輕松。5.補水西藏地區(qū)很干燥。潤唇膏,眼藥水必須帶上。還有保濕水或噴霧。隨身最好帶個水壺。可以隨時供給。不過當?shù)刭u礦泉水的地方也到處可見,也算方便。6.藥物在平原地區(qū)的小病,在高原地區(qū)可不容忽視,小小的感冒,到了那雪域高原就可能引發(fā)肺水腫。隨身攜帶的藥要有:鎮(zhèn)痛藥(要藥效強的,哪怕是抑制中樞神經(jīng)的。至少可以讓你有足夠的精神到找到醫(yī)院)、清火藥(或者每天2罐王老吉)、抗生素藥、暈車藥、拉肚子藥、急救盒、云南白藥噴霧或膠囊(如果有傷口,可以把膠囊里的藥粉直接敷到傷口)、藿香正氣、感冒藥、紅花油。如果是自駕,要在車上放幾個氧氣袋。千萬不要買壓縮氧氣。效果不好。如果需要可以帶點葡萄糖或每天2罐紅牛。另外在您當?shù)氐拇笏幏靠梢再徺I有紅景天成分的膠囊或口服液,進藏前一周服用。7.抗高原反應進入高原,要盡量減少氧氣的消耗,不要跑步、快走、大聲說話。如果輕微的頭疼,胸悶,呼吸困難不要著急吸氧。因為人本身是自保的。對抗乏氧會有個適應的過程。如果稍有反應就著急吸氧,容易產(chǎn)生賴氧。那估計你的西藏之行,一定很郁悶。人到2700米就會有不同程度的高反。如果坐火車,車廂里的彌漫氧,可以暫時忽略缺氧環(huán)境。如果你自駕??梢栽诜?000米左右山口之前略微補充氧氣,避免山口時候的艱難。紅景天或諾迪康這類抗高反的藥要進藏前三天開始服用。但到了高原地區(qū)就要改服治療高反的藥,比如高原安或高原寧。當?shù)厮幍甑教幎加醒鯕夤┙o和治療高反的藥。納 木錯的含氧量很低。去納木錯當天要增加一次服藥。其實高反是個心魔,不要太在意,也不要太忽視就好了。到底高反的感受是什麼樣,小馬過河,只有你親臨高原才有發(fā)言權。8.零錢進藏換一些零錢。一元一元的和十元十元的。西藏人不接收硬幣。上廁所一元錢。在景點很多孩子都伸手要錢。你可以不給。如果給,有的時候一個孩子會叫來一群孩子,一起向你要錢。進寺廟拜佛,可以根據(jù)心意,在功德箱里投10元或1元的紙幣。在八角街買東西,最好給正好的零錢,否則賣家不愿意找錢給你,纏著你買的東西。9.乘車拉薩地區(qū)打車10元錢,不打表,不講價。當然只是市區(qū)范圍內(nèi)。如果坐人力三輪車一般是3~5元每人。如果是跟旅行團走。去納木錯和日喀則,你最好選擇大巴車的左手邊。那邊的風景不錯。回程方向相反。大多數(shù)旅行團的旅游巴士都是座位終身制。另外你最好選擇坐在倒數(shù)第二個位置。雖然車身后面比較顛簸。但西藏的旅游大巴沒有空調(diào)。整個車廂除了司機旁邊有窗戶就是倒數(shù)第二座兩邊各有一個窗戶。你可以打開窗戶透氣,比悶著舒服多了。10.購物導游會帶你購物。那些旅游商店賣的土特產(chǎn)比超市貴20%。當然如果你沒有自己的時間去超市只能認宰。旅游工藝品在旅游商店買還是沒錯的。多花就多花點,買個放心。比如藏刀,天珠,唐卡,尼木香。11.拍照基本上所有的寺廟、宮殿都不允許拍照。西藏的風土人情、自然風光,建筑特色要拍的照片實在太多了。對於攝男攝女,我有個忠告,在有些景點你大可以找個合適的地方架起三腳架,長槍短炮的大反特反。但最好還是隨身帶個小卡片,攜帶方便,利於操作。12.青藏列車北京到拉薩的T27/28次列車臥鋪車廂有電源。硬臥車廂是每3個小臥鋪房間的人在通道處共用1個由三項插頭和兩項插頭組合的一個固定插座。資源有限。所以電源使用率很高。如果你想帶個筆記本電腦或PSP需要長時間充電的建議你帶個插座。然后利用長線把電源引到你的臥鋪位置上。如果僅僅滿足手機充電,你可以帶個座充電器,洗手池旁邊也有2個電源。你可以把座充直接插到相對利用率小的那里,這樣比把手機放在不在自己視線范圍內(nèi)充電被別人拿走的機率小的多。13.其他民俗民風我也就不啰嗦了,尊重當?shù)厝说纳盍晳T,不要用手指指佛像等等。隨身帶著巧克力等高熱量的東西。在高原地區(qū)人消耗的熱量格外多。
天山天池旅游攻略百度文庫(天山天池游覽線路) 旅游攻略百度文庫
抓飯、奶茶 、拉條子、特色飲食大盤雞,囊燜肉,手抓飯,羊肉串,老虎菜,野菜等特色飲食。
新疆天山天池是一個非常好玩的旅游景點,它是新疆第一批5A級旅游景區(qū),每年吸引著全國各地的游客前來游覽,它是哈薩克民族風情與博格達雪山風光完美結合 ,一年四季,風景各異,每個季節(jié)的美都期待你去發(fā)現(xiàn)。
新疆天山天池分為天池景區(qū)、燈桿山景區(qū)、馬牙山景區(qū)、娘娘廟游覽區(qū)、博格達峰景區(qū)、花兒溝景區(qū)、白楊溝景區(qū)、水磨溝景區(qū)、北部沙漠景區(qū)。由于天山天池的地理位置比較特殊,景區(qū)內(nèi)都是蜿蜒陡峭的山路,為了游客的健康著想,必須換乘景區(qū)的區(qū)間車前往天山天池游覽 ,路程比較遙遠,開車需要一個小時,但是天池景區(qū)的服務設施周到,車上都會有專業(yè)的景區(qū)講解員進行講解,一路上你可以看到天池八景之一的天池石門一線、天池盤山路和西小天池,西小天池,據(jù)說是王母娘娘的洗腳盆。?
新疆天池的美景數(shù)不勝數(shù),新疆曾一度被大家認為人間天堂。其實新疆不僅景色美,那里的美食也美得讓人無法抗拒。新疆馕 、烤包子、馕坑肉 、手抓飯 、米腸子和面肺子 、新疆大盤雞都是新疆獨有的美食,特別是烤包子,烤包子皮色黃亮,入口皮脆肉嫩,味道十分的鮮美。 來到新疆,怎能不嘗一下當?shù)氐目?a href='/techan/6416' target=_blank>牛羊肉串呢,只有新疆當?shù)氐?a href='/yangrou/' target=_blank>羊肉串才是最正宗的。
? ??區(qū)內(nèi)交通
清澈湖水,皚皚雪峰和蔥蘢挺拔的云松林,構成了天池的迷人的景色。即使是盛夏天氣,湖水的溫度也相當?shù)?,?a href='/youting/' target=_blank>游艇在湖面上行駛,一陣陣涼風吹來,暑氣全消,時間長了,還會感到寒冷,需要穿上毛衣才能抵御。因此,這里是避暑的好地方。
在中國美麗的民間傳說中, 天山天池是王母娘娘的仙居圣地. 王母娘娘曾以瑤池為鏡沐浴潔身。當年周穆王為尋長生之藥,不遠萬里來到天山與西王母邂逅。西王母在瑤池設宴款待,其間對歌互答。臨別,王母問尋穆王何時再來?穆王答應三年再瑤池相會。卻,一等三千年不見穆王身影。為此李商隱作《瑤池》一詩, “瑤池阿母倚窗開,黃竹歌聲動地哀。八駿日行三萬里,穆王何事不再來”。一段奇麗佳話在民間流傳了三千年,長生藥也早已成為歷史,然而美麗的天池卻一日盛似一日。
天池是200余萬年前第四紀大冰川活動中形成的高山冰磧湖。是亞心最大的湖泊,是天山山脈最大的冰磧堰塞湖,也是我國著名的冰川堰塞湖及深水淡水型湖泊之一。天池東南西為高山所包圍。天池以上集水面積126 平方千米,平均高程3 300米,主流長23 千米,由大東溝、吉巖堅溝、馬祿溝、哈拉木沙溝、小東溝及哈熊溝等支流組成,匯流后進入天池,上游經(jīng)天池天然水庫調(diào)節(jié)后流入下游三工河。大河源頭共有冰川18條,面積8.9 平方千米。
1、春季:雪沒有化完,穿鞋注意防滑,氣溫不高, 也要防寒。
英語旅游攻略百度文庫(英語旅游地點) 旅游攻略百度文庫
Bozhou is a national famous historical and cultural city and one of
China's excellent tourist cities. It is a very famous tourist
attraction, such as Cao Cao's military transportation road, flower
theater, moral palace, Cao's clan tombs, Hua Zuan, etc.
Cao Cao's underground troop transportation road is located under the
main streets in the old city of Bozhou, with a length "underground Great Wall". The tunnel extends
in all directions and has a complex structure. It has four forms:
one-way road, turning Road, parallel double road and upper and lower
two-story road.
It is equipped with military facilities such as cat hole, barrier wall,
leg tripping board and trap, as well as auxiliary facilities such as
vent hole, Messenger hole and lantern. Cao Cao used tunnel tactics many
times to win the war.
Located in the North pass of Bozhou City, Huaxi building, with a
construction area of 3163.1 square meters, is a national key cultural
relics protection unit. The theater was originally a stage of the great
emperor temple. It is named for its gorgeous carvings and colorful
花戲樓位于亳州城北關,建筑面積3163.1平方米,是全國重點文物 保護單位。戲樓本來是大帝廟的一座舞臺。因上面雕刻彩繪絢麗奪目而得名。
Welcome friends at home and abroad to Bozhou.
Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed "Aerial Garden" for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants. Renowned as a huge natural zoo, Xishuangbanna's rain forest and monsoon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals. Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering.
Thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the green peacocks, which to the Dai people are a symbol of peace, happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame. The region has 5,000 kinds of plants or about one-sixth of the total in China. This has earned it the renown and sobriquet "The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants".
Among these are such fascinating ones as the "color-changing flower" whose colors change three times daily and the "dancing herb" whose leaves rotate gently. Then there is "mysterious fruit" which reverse tastes, turning sour to sweet.
Species of trees that go back a million years are still propagating themselves. The "King of Tea Trees ,"which authorities say is at least 800 years old, continues to sprout, adding extraordinary splendor to the homeland of the famous Pu'er tea. In Xishuangbanna, there is a saying: "Even a single tree can make a forest and an old stalk can blossom and beat fruit ."
1. Xishuangbanna 西雙版納
2. Aerial Garden 空中花園
3. Pu'er tea 普洱茶
Summer Palace 避暑山莊
The Summer Palace (Yiheyuan) in the northwestern suburb of Beijing was built in 1750. by far the best-preserved imperial garden in China, it was endorsed by the UNESCO in 1998 as a world cultural heritage site. As a paragon of Chinese gardens, this huge garden includes Longevity Hill, whose beauty is set off by a multitude of halls, kiosks and trees, and Kunming Lake, a huge body of liquid silver. Major tourist attractions are Tower of Buddhist Incense, 17-Span Bridge, Long Gallery, Cloud Dispelling Hall, Marble Boat, Beamless Hall, Garden of Harmonious Delights, the theatre in the Garden of Moral Harmony, and Suzhou Street. The entire place is a de facto museum of China's classical architecture. Housed in these buildings are an immense collection of treasures and cultural artifacts.
杭州Qiantang River Bore
No grand-looking in the world but the Qiantang River Tide on August 18th."
The extraordinary surging tide of the Qiantang River is a world-renowned
natural wonder caused by the gravitation of the celestial body, the centrifugal
force produced by the rotation of the earth and by the peculiar bottleneck
shape of the Hangzhou Bay.
To the east of Zheshan Hill on the south bank of Qiantang River, there are about
500,000 mu reclaimed-land like a peninsula to keep off the river mouth, so as to
make from the hill to the outside 12th section like a large-sized bottle with a small
mouth. It is easy for the tide to come, but difficult to ebb. Hangzhou Bay\'s width
is over 100km, but up to the outside 12th section is narrowed only several kilometers.
However, the river east part of the riverbed is sharply raised. In this way, it becomes
the riverbed high and water a little. As a great quantity from the Qiantang River mouth
is reaching, the tide cannot be raised equally due to narrowed-down river area. Then, it is
forced rear tides pushing front tides while the front tide is not fast enough, thus, one upon
another, forming the most magnif icent natural phenomenon in the world.
On the 18th day of the 8th month in the Chinese lunar calendar, hundreds and thousands
of tourists from both abroad and at home would come here to watch Qiantang Tide.
A scholar in the history wrote: "The Tide comes in a little drum voice just like a silk
thread across the River at far-viewing while reaches nearby in thunder just like mountains."
People have been keeping the tradition of watching the Qiantang Bore since the Tang dynasty.
During the Southern Song dynasty, the tradition was observed in an unparalleled way.
On August 18 in the lunar calendar, the court arranged marine inspection ceremony while
tide-watching and tide-teasing is going on. This date is said to be the birthday of the god
of waves. With the lapse of time, the tradition of tide-watching becomes a grand occasion.
And the local people organize various kinds of festivals to celebrate it. When a tide-watching
festival arrives, people come from all over the country and the world at large to watch the
wonderful natural wonder. Yanguan Town in Haining is the most famous site for watching
the Qiantang Bore and in recent years, Xiaoshan in Hangzhou comes to be regarded as
another ideal place to witness the world wonder.
Qiantang Tidal Bore is very dangerous and if you are not careful enough. So you should obey
the order and arrangement of the policemen who try everything to ensure your pleasant
watching and your personal security.
The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
~St. Augustine
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Only you can figure out where you want to go. This doesn't mean that you need to lay out a day-by-day itinerary, but you should have an idea of what airports you want to land in. Here is a place to start: Destinations. Decide if you want to buy all your tickets up front, or as you go. Here is a comparison between the two. Use the BootsnAll TripPlanner to start building an itinerary and buy your tickets before you go. Or find a great fare with our special international air tickets, so you can get going and buy more as you need to on the road.
Get info.
The Traveller's Toolkit and BootsnAll's vast archives of travel articles ? including travel stories, travel guides, travelogues and travel blogs ? lets you learn as much about your destinations as you want.
Ask questions.
Talking with the travelers in the BootsnAll Travel Community gives you a way to ask other travelers about anything and everything travel-related. Get answers to your questions, and perhaps even find people to meet up with on the road. Read about how others have done it and you can too!
Let us help sort out everything else with your trip.
If your plans include Europe, check out our deals and offerings for Eurail and BritRail passes ? saving you money to help you get around better and enjoy Europe more. Also don't forget to buy travel insurance, so you can cover your tail and everything else while you're on the road. If you need hotel or hostel accommodation, or rental cars, we can help you out too.
We've also put together a checklist of other things you may want/need to take care of before you go, and that may also give you ideas of other preparation bits and pieces involved in an RTW trip. Click here for the checklist.
As long as you have a passport and the right frame of mind though, you're ready to go.
Got your tickets and know where your first bed is? Great. Are you packed and sorted? Brilliant. Now get out there. The world is where you wanted to travel, so have fun, and we'll see you when you get back.
Last summer vacation I went to Beijing with my family .
First day,we went go the Great Wall because it is the pride of our Chinese and a wonder in the world.
Then we went to the summer palace We saw many beautiful sceneries there. The next day we went to the Tian'anmen square ,and we tasted Beijing duck.
In the afternoon we went to the bird's nest and the water cube.Though we were tired we were very happy.
I learned much knowledge that I can't learn in the textbooks so I will never forget this interesting trip.
去年夏天,我和家里人去了北京。首先我們?nèi)チ?a href='/changcheng/' target=_blank>長城,因為它是我們中國的驕傲而且還是世界遺跡。接著我們?nèi)チ?a href='/jingdian/333' target=_blank>頤和園,我們在那里看到很多美麗的風景。
第二天我們?nèi)チ?a href='/jingdian/94068' target=_blank>天安門廣場,吃了烤鴨。下午去了鳥巢和水立方。雖然很累,但是很開心。我學到了很多書本上沒有的知識。所以我不會忘記這次有趣的旅行。