

導讀:巴基斯坦旅游景點英文介紹(迪拜旅游景點英文介紹) 急?。。?!麻煩各位用英文幫我寫下巴基斯坦和以色列的各個大城市和著名的景點 介紹巴基斯坦城市英文版的導游詞 想問巴基斯坦有什么好玩的地方 關于巴基斯坦的英文簡介 巴基斯坦有哪些著名旅游景點? 巴基斯坦有什么好玩的



卡拉奇 Karachi

伊斯蘭堡 Islamabad

拉合爾 Lahore


白沙瓦 Bahawalpur

費薩拉巴德 Faisalabad



庫爾 Sukkur

吉爾吉特 Gujrat

奎達 Quetta




特拉維夫—雅法Tel Aviv-Yafo


Not far from Rizegou Guesthouse is the Swan Lake. It is said that swans used to reside here. At the present time, the lake remains semi-marsh land eith waterweeds fully covered on the surface. In spring the lake resembles a carpet of green grass; in summer the lake is splendidly decorated with blossomed flowers; in autumn the yelliwness in the lake meets the eye in every side; in winter the lake remains a world of ice and snow. Near the upper end of the lake is an another lake called Fangchaohai. The lake leads to hills where the hill peaks raise one higher than another. However, among the hills there is a pealk that obviously towers. It is named the Sword Rock because it looks sharp on the top and wide at lower part. Passing the foot of the towering peak, you start to walk into a dense primeval forwst, where you find yourselves deep in the boundless expanse of trdds and plants, feeling as light as if you had left the world of men and became immortal beings. There are an abundance of trees that looking up you hardly see the sunshine. Some of the trees curves down like awnings; some loom up like obelisks; some stand erect like men; some recline like dragons. Beneath your feet are soft mosses that grow in a thick furry mass on wet soil. When you walk through the forest, cool greenery rests your eyes, gentle breeze sooths your ears and the utter quietness refreshes your heart.



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Pakistan's introduction

Pakistan islamic republic is located in the Indus river valley in south Asian subcontinent, east neighbour India, northeast and northwest China neighbour, Afghan border with Iran, west, south, yangzhou-the adjacent to the Arabian sea. Area 7 9. 6 1 million square kilometers. The coastline of September 8 0 km. Population 1 0 0 million, three seven have punjab clan, clan (ba Dan doppler assorted figure clan), faith clan, baluchi clan, etc. Pakistan meaning "Muslim nation of 9 6% of the residents at or above the letter Islam. Mandarin Urdu. English is the official language.

Pakistan is originally part of the British India. 1 August 5 8 years with India became a British colony. 1 9 April 7 years June, British released its "mountbatten plan", execute printing, ba partition. In the same year August 1 4 to declare independence, established Pakistan a dominion. 1 9 5 6 years March 2 3 change dominion, decide a republic name for Pakistan islamic republic, still for the British commonwealth countries, 1 9 July 2 years exit. Pakistan's former points east, west two parts, 1 9 July 1 year 1 February, east from Pakistan, Bangladesh, People's Republic of China was founded. Pakistan 1 9 5 1 year May 2 1 and China diplomatic relations. 1 9 June 3 years March 2, the two countries signed sino-pakistani sino-pakistani "about China's xinjiang and calibration by Pakistani but actual control of its defence in each region bordering the boundary agreement.

Northwest territory for mountain and hills, for the Indus valley southeast. India's rivers penetration frontier north and south. All basically subtropical grasslands and desert climate, except the Indus upstream rainfall is flourishing in northern area, the majority of the dry climate, average annual rainfall of less than 3 0 0 mm. The major mineral have chromite, coal, oil, natural gas, iron, copper, uranium, salt and gypsum, sulphur, etc. Chromite mainly distributed in hin duba lattice, etc, is the world's largest chromite one. Natural gas is mainly distributed in the Sue Iraq and urumqi-kuitun strange areas. Oil is mainly distributed in Islamabad western Campbell Boolean county, the graph oilfield and south Della ghazi sweat much wardak oilfield. Coal is mainly distributed in grenada, Krishna and haran, and salt nanotubes marge's mountain mountains area. Forest area of the nation's area (4) 8%.

Economic agriculture plays, the agriculture population accounts for the population 7 0% above. , produces wheat, rice, cotton, corn and cane and jute, mountain Lebanon beans, tea and tobacco. Industrial textile, sugar, cement, shipbuilding, machine manufacturing, mining and petroleum, natural gas etc. Main export rice, cotton yarn, cotton, cloth, leather, fish, imported mineral oil, grain, steel, transportation equipment, etc. Railway long approximately 8 8 0 0 km. Highway long approximately 1 eight million kilometers.

Islamabad: capital, population 3 60,000, is a new city, located in the northern suburb of rawalpindi east port vale plateau. The west tucker Silas is an emerging heavy industry base. Rawalpindi: 9 3 million population, is the capital moved to the temporary capital Islamabad before. Karachi: located in south Arabian sea coast, with a population of 5 1 0 million. Pakistani but the nation's largest city, JiuDou, economic center and port, textile, shipbuilding industry, etc. In port throughput tabor tons, liner can be accounted for more than half of national foreign trade. International air terminals. Lahore: 9 2 million population of 2, the nation's second largest city and cultural city, city famous monasteries and historic sites.









摩亨佐-達羅(公元前2600年-前1800年),又稱“死丘”或“死亡之丘”(Mound of the Dead),是印度河流域文明的重要城市,大約于公元前2600年建成,位于今天巴基斯坦的信德省的拉爾卡納縣南部




不過,這種局面很快將被打破。巴基斯坦最高法院頒布命令:政府部門將烏爾都語定為國家官方語言,全面取代英語的地位。按計劃,巴基斯坦聯(lián)邦政府及4個省份要在3個月內完成“官方語言轉換”工作 。







該景點位于塔什庫爾干塔吉克自治縣境內,是世界上海拔最高的口岸,地理位置十分險要,可以說是南亞次大陸乃至歐洲的重要門戶,這里的自然風光十分秀美,當?shù)厝藗儫崆楹每?,來這里游玩的時候,還可以品嘗當?shù)氐奶厣?a href='/meishi/' target=_blank>美食,這個景點是一個免費的景點,而且屬于全天開放時間。


巴基斯坦紀念碑博物館,非常具有參觀以及紀念意義,整個建筑面積雖然不是很大,但是極具特色,建筑中的四個花瓣分別代表了巴基斯坦的四個省,花瓣上的圖形,是訴說的巴基斯坦的歷史,在這個博物館中,可以了解巴基斯坦的歷史,當?shù)氐?a href='/qingshaonian/' target=_blank>青少年都喜歡來這里接受愛國主義教育,尤其節(jié)假日的時候來這里游玩,會遇到很多的當?shù)氐膶W生,他們熱情好客。




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