

導(dǎo)讀:介紹珠海人文旅游景點英語作文(關(guān)于珠海的游記作文) 給Mike回封信,介紹一下珠海的英語作文 介紹珠海景點的英語作文 介紹珠海英語作文 我就李華,我和家人去珠海旅游的英語作文 要一篇介紹珠海的英語小短文 描寫珠海的英語作文


My hometown is in the south of China and it named ZhuHai.It is next to the sea so you can see many fishers.And there is a famous statuary which naemd fishgirl.Also we have a long coastline and named lovers road.It is comfortable that walk with your honey.By the way,there is a shopping mall in the city center,and you can buy many things without tax.


My hometown is in the south of China and it named ZhuHai.It is next to the sea so you can see many fishers.And there is a famous statuary which naemd fishgirl.Also we have a long coastline and named lovers road.It is comfortable that walk with your honey.By the way,there is a shopping mall in the city center,and you can buy many things without tax.


My hometown is in the south of China and it named ZhuHai.It is next to the sea so you can see many fishers.And there is a famous statuary which naemd fishgirl.Also we have a long coastline and named lovers road.It is comfortable that walk with your honey.By the way,there is a shopping mall in the city center,and you can buy many things without tax.



During the holiday, I traveled to Zhuhai with my family. Zhuhai is famous for its natural beauty. When we were in Zhuhai, green plants were everywhere.


They provide us with fresh air and beautiful scenery. Trees sprout and flowers bloom. It must be a good place to see birds and flowers.


In addition, there is a very large shopping centre in the centre of the city. Everything you want or need can be bought there. The price is quite reasonable. So Zhuhai is also a shopping paradise.



珠海市是珠江三角洲南端的一個重要城市(原屬中山縣),位于廣東省珠江口的西南部地理坐標處于北緯21° 48′~22°27′、東經(jīng)113°03′~114°19′之間。東與香港隔海相望,南與澳門相連,西鄰新會、臺山市,北與中山市接壤。珠海是中國的五個經(jīng)濟特區(qū)之一。珠海市面積有1952平方千米,人口141.57萬人(2005年統(tǒng)計),是廣東省人口規(guī)模最小的城市,人口分布為:香洲區(qū) 81萬人,斗門區(qū) 36萬人,金灣區(qū) 24萬人,人口密度為:全市人口密度為839人/平方公里,其中香洲區(qū) 1401人/平方公里,斗門區(qū) 595人/平方公里,金灣區(qū) 477人/平方公里;當中約有80萬為永久居民。珠海的海岸線長604公里,有大小島嶼146個,故有“百島之市”的美譽。在珠江口遼闊的水域上,大大小小的島嶼星羅棋布,計有146個,其中大部分集中于東部海域的萬山群島。

The southern tip of the Pearl River Delta, Zhuhai is an important city (formerly Zhongshan county), located in Guangdong Province, south-west of the Pearl River estuary, geographic coordinates in latitude 21 ° 48 '~ 22 ° 27', longitude 113 ° 03 '~ 114 ° 19 'between. East and Hong Kong across the sea, linked to South and Macao, to the west, Taishan City, Zhongshan City, which borders the north. Zhuhai Chinese are one of the five special economic zones. Zhuhai has an area of 1952 square km, population 1,415,700 people (2005 statistics), population in Guangdong Province, the smallest town, population distribution as follows: 810,000 people Xiangzhou District, Doumen District of 360,000 people, the 240,000 Bay Area people population density as follows: the city's population density is 839 people / sq km, one of Xiangzhou District 1401 people / sq km, Doumen District 595 person / sq km, the Bay Area 477 people / square kilometers; for about 800,000 permanent residents. Zhuhai, a long coastline of 604 kilometers, has 146 large and small islands, it has "city of hundred islands" of good reputation. At the Pearl River estuary on the vast waters, large and small islands spread all over, including 146, most of them concentrated in the eastern waters Wanshan Islands.








第二天,我們來到了珠海的水上樂園--夢幻水城,爸爸說那里的設(shè)施十分齊全,是一座水上極樂世界。進去后,我發(fā)現(xiàn)那里不僅是一座水上樂園,而且是一座人文地理樂園。里面有百慕大三角、恐龍世界、埃及 真令人目不暇接,大開眼界!




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