
汕頭旅游景點(diǎn)介紹英文(汕頭小公園景點(diǎn)介紹 英文)

導(dǎo)讀:汕頭旅游景點(diǎn)介紹英文(汕頭小公園景點(diǎn)介紹 英文) 請(qǐng)用英文簡介汕頭市 廣東省文化氣候經(jīng)濟(jì)景點(diǎn)英文作文 英文版汕頭景點(diǎn)介紹 用英語介紹汕頭市中山公園 不要太長 適合手抄報(bào) 汕頭礐石風(fēng)景區(qū) 英語怎么寫



SWATOW (also Shan`toze)), a port of China, in the province of Kwang-tung, opened to foreign trade in 1869. The population is upwards of 60,000. The town is situated at the mouth of the main branch of the river Han, which 30 miles inland flows past the great city of Ch'aochow Fu or Tai-chu (Tie-chu), while the surrounding country is more populous and full of towns and villages than any other part of the province. The climate is good, but being situated at the southern end of the Formosa Strait the town is exposed to the full force of the typhoons, and much destruction is occasionally wrought. English merchants settled on Double Island in the river as early as 1856; but the city, which is built on ground but recently recovered from the sea, was formerly a mere fishing village. The trade of the port has rapidly increased. In 1869 the total value of the trade was f4,800,000, in 1884 £5,519,772, and in 1904 £7, 06 3,579. The surrounding country is a great sugarcane district producing annually about 2,400,000 cwt. of sugar, and there is an extensive refinery in the town employing upwards of boo workmen and possessing a reservoir for 7,000,000 gallons of water. Next in value comes the manufacture of bean-cake, which is also imported in large quantities from Niuchwang, Chifu, Shanghai, Amoy and Hong-Kong. Among the leading exports are tea (since about 1872); grass-cloth, manufactured at Swatow from so-called Taiwan hemp (the fibre of the Boehmeria nivea from Formosa); pine-apple cloth,, manufactured in the villages about Chieh-Yang (a town 22 m. distant); oranges, for which the district is famous; cheap fans;. and pewter, iron and tin wares. Swatow is also a great emigration port and was the scene of many kidnapping adventures on the part of foreigners in the early days. Their outrages gave rise to much hostile feeling towards foreigners who were not allowed to enter the city of Ch'aochow Fu until the year 1861. Of the whole foreign trade of the port upwards of 83% is in British bottoms, the trade with Hong-Kong being of especial importance.

About 1865 the whole Swatow district was still divided into a number of "independent townships, each ruled by its own headmen," and the population was described in the official gazetteer, as "generally rebellious and wicked in the highest degree."

Mr Forrest, British consular agent, relates that in that year he was witness to the preparations for a fight between the people living on the opposite sides of the estuary, which was only prevented by a British war-vessel. The Taip'ings swept over the country, and by their ravages and plundering did much to tame the independence of the clans. The punishment inflicted in 1869 by Commander Jones on the inhabitants of Otingpui (Ou-ting-pei), about 8 m. from Swatow, for the attack they had made on the boats of H.M.S. "Cockchafer," showed the Chinese authorities that such piratical villages were not so strong as had been supposed. General Fang (a native of Ch'aochow Fu) was sent to reduce the district to order, and he carried out his instructions with remorseless rigour.


汕頭市位于中國廣東省東南部,瀕臨南海,地處韓江、榕江、練江出海口,素有“嶺東門戶,華南要沖”之稱,是全國五個(gè)經(jīng)濟(jì)特區(qū)之一和南方重要港口城市。全市總面積2064平方公里,總?cè)丝?95萬人;其中中心城區(qū)面積443平方公里,人口137萬人?,F(xiàn)轄金平龍湖、澄海、濠江、潮陽、潮南6個(gè)區(qū)和南澳縣。汕頭自然條件優(yōu)越。位于北回歸線與南海交匯處,屬亞熱帶季風(fēng)性氣候,冬無嚴(yán)寒,夏無酷暑,年平均氣溫21.3°C,日照時(shí)間2000—3000小時(shí),降雨量1672.25mm,濕度82%,是最適宜人類居住的區(qū)域之一。全市海岸線289公里,天然良港眾多。汕頭不僅是粵東的中心城市,也是粵東、贛東南、閩西南的商品集散地,處于“大珠三角”和“泛珠三角”經(jīng)濟(jì)圈的重要節(jié)點(diǎn),也是長三角、珠三角和海峽西岸經(jīng)濟(jì)帶的重要連接點(diǎn),擁有亞太地緣門戶的獨(dú)特區(qū)位優(yōu)勢。汕頭港臨近西太平洋國際黃金航道,距香港、臺(tái)灣高雄均不足200海里。汕頭是著名的僑鄉(xiāng),與海外交往密切。目前在海外的鄉(xiāng)親有335萬人,遍布世界40多個(gè)國家和地區(qū)。歸僑、僑眷和港澳臺(tái)同胞家屬200多萬人。與海外交往的獨(dú)特人緣、地緣、親緣優(yōu)勢,使汕頭在對(duì)外開放方面具有特殊的優(yōu)越條件和巨大的發(fā)展?jié)摿Α?981年,汕頭設(shè)立經(jīng)濟(jì)特區(qū),從此進(jìn)入一個(gè)嶄新的發(fā)展時(shí)期。汕頭對(duì)外商貿(mào)歷史悠久,經(jīng)濟(jì)外向度高。汕頭于1861年正式開埠,是近代中國最早對(duì)外開放的港口城市之一,有“百載商埠”之稱,商貿(mào)歷來比較發(fā)達(dá),曾出現(xiàn)“商賈云集,樓船萬國”的繁榮景象。1921年,汕頭設(shè)市建制。20世紀(jì)30年代,汕頭港吞吐量曾居全國第3位,商業(yè)之盛居全國第7位。潮商目前已成為一支具有世界性的商業(yè)群落,經(jīng)濟(jì)實(shí)力雄厚,影響力巨大。汕頭人多地少,文化傳統(tǒng)獨(dú)特。汕頭是全國人口最稠密、人均耕地面積最少的地區(qū)之一。以精耕細(xì)作聞名,有“種田如繡花”之喻。潮汕地區(qū)歷來人文薈萃,崇文重教,素有“海濱鄒魯”之稱,潮汕話、潮劇、潮州音樂、潮菜、英歌、潮陽剪紙、和工夫茶富有濃郁地方特色,別具一格。以潮汕歷史文化為獨(dú)立研究對(duì)象的“潮學(xué)”研究廣泛深入開展,影響深遠(yuǎn)。改革開放以來,汕頭市充分發(fā)揮特區(qū)和僑鄉(xiāng)優(yōu)勢,國民經(jīng)濟(jì)綜合實(shí)力躍上一個(gè)新臺(tái)階,社會(huì)文明程度日益增強(qiáng)。先后進(jìn)入“中國城市綜合實(shí)力50強(qiáng)”、“中國優(yōu)秀旅游城市”、“國家環(huán)境保護(hù)模范城市”、“國家衛(wèi)生城市”、 “中國品牌經(jīng)濟(jì)城市”、“中國投資環(huán)境百佳城市”行列。2006年,全市實(shí)現(xiàn)生產(chǎn)總值740.92億元,增長11.6%;工業(yè)總產(chǎn)值1469.9億元,增長13.1%;地方財(cái)政一般預(yù)算收入34.93億元,增長18.6%。汕頭青澳灣城市名英文:Shantou, 曾稱 Swatow.日文 :スワトウ語言:潮州話(或稱潮汕話) 英語稱:Teochew, Teochiu, Tiuchiu, Tiochiu or 這是資料,好好參考,吧汕頭介紹給大家


Shantou (simplified Chinese: 汕頭; traditional Chinese: 汕頭; pinyin: Shàntóu; Pe?h-ōe-jī: Sòa?-thau), historically known as Swátōw or Suátao, is a city of 4,971,000 permanent inhabitants (as at end 2006) in coastal Eastern Guangdong, China, occupying an area of 2,064 km2. With it and the immediately surrounding cities of Jieyang and Chaozhou, the metropolitan region – known as Chaoshan – covers an area of 10,404 km2, and had a permanent population of 13,139,800 at the end of 2006.

Shantou, a city significant in 19th-century Chinese history as one of the treaty ports established for Western trade and contact, was one of the original Special Economic Zones of the People's Republic of China established in the 1980s, but failed to blossom like other cities such as Shenzhen, Xiamen and Zhuhai. However, it remains as Eastern Guangdong's economic centre, and is home to Shantou University, a member of the “Project 211” group.

The old town, in the western part of central Shantou, is full of lovely old buildings that have been crumbling for decades. They're so dilapidated now, they give the city the atmosphere of a European city that's been bombed. Unfortunately, they're being replaced by ugly modern buildings, so see them while you can!

The Former Residence of Chen Ci Hong (陳慈黌故居 Chencihong Guju)

Nan'ao Island (南澳島 Nanao Dao): rated as Guangdong's most beautiful island by China's National Geographic magazine

Palace-Temple of Old Mother (老媽宮 Laoma Gong): dedicated to the goddess Matsu

Temple of Emperor Guan (關(guān)帝廟 Guandi Miao): dedicated to Guan Yu

Tropic of Cancer Symbol Tower (北回歸線標(biāo)志塔 Beihuiguixian Biaozhita): The Tropic of Cancer slips through Centipede Mountain, which is 20 kilometers away from the city proper.

Cultural Revolution Museum (Wen Ge Bowuguan), in the Tashan scenic area north of Shantou (not the other Tashan scenic area) There's not much to see here unless you can read Chinese.

用英語介紹汕頭市中山公園 不要太長 適合手抄報(bào)


Shantou Zhongshan Park is surrounded by water, Yuemei River surrounds the park, and Zhongshan Bridge, Yuemei bridge and Yingchun bridge connect the park with the land in the urban area.

Yujian Lake in the park covers an area of nearly 100 mu, with beautiful scenery and is famous at home and abroad。


汕頭礐石風(fēng)景區(qū) 英語怎么寫

Shantou QueShi Beauty Spot 風(fēng)景區(qū)管理處的門口就是這么寫的,但它前面還有個(gè)Guangdong(廣東)


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