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棋盤山國際風(fēng)景旅游開發(fā)區(qū)位于沈陽東北部,景區(qū)山巒起伏、溪谷迂回、水域遼闊、林木蔥郁、泉水叮咚、鳥語花香,是一處集秀美自然景色和歷史人文景觀于一體的風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)。景區(qū)以春天的綠、夏天的景、秋天的楓、冬天的雪著稱。除秀美的? ??然風(fēng)光,景區(qū)還有高句麗山城遺址、南天門、仙人洞、媽媽石、點(diǎn)將臺(tái)、向陽寺、鳥林等聞名遐邇的人文景觀。棋盤山冰雪大世界更是沈城冬季旅游中的一個(gè)熱點(diǎn)。沈陽國際棋牌競(jìng)技中心因舉辦多次國際棋類賽事而聞名于世。還有沈陽森林野生動(dòng)物園、休閑體育廣場(chǎng)、大洋山森林公園等已成為人們娛樂休閑、回歸自然的理想場(chǎng)所。









Received in 2004 from 148 countries and regions, 273,000 overseas tourists million, an increase of 48.4 percent. The realization of the tourism foreign exchange earnings 143,000,000 U.S. dollars, an increase of 29.1 percent.

Forbidden City

In addition to the Shenyang Imperial Palace is the Imperial Palace in Beijing, the People's Republic of existing second-largest palace complex complete with high historical and artistic value. Shenyang Imperial Palace was built in 1625, was built in 1636, the Qing Dynasty and the Qing Huang King's Palace. All construction by more than 90, 300, covers an area of 60,000 square meters. Chongzheng to Temple as the core, the Qing Dynasty doors - Ning-ching axis Palace, the Palace will be divided into eastern, central and western three-way.


Beiling Park (Zhao Ling), is the second generati on of the founding of the Qing monarchy and Huang Xiao Duan text of the Queen's tomb, and the imperial tombs of the Qing Dynasty is the perfect combination of modern garden tour of the resort, covering an area of 3,320,000 square meters. Beiling built in 1643, with Long-en Temple, Po City, ding, Crescent City, the Ming House, Bei Lou, the city side, the Long-en door dahongmen, such as stone arch construction, large-scale, the majestic building. Beiling Park with its ancient history, landscape and imperial tombs of the mysterious, Chen Cheng became embedded in the land of the shining pearl.


Dongling (Fu Ling) is the Qing Dynasty and its Cartagena La Ye Queen's Tomb of the base, covers an area of 500 hectares. Dongling was founded in 1629 and 1651 was basically completed, and after Junji, Kangxi and Qianlong built on many occasions, to form a complete tomb-building. Ling there is a solemn Red Gate, vivid stone lion, Dan Hu, Shima, and so on, there are 108 well-known stage leg, the city well, the Long-en Temple, East and West side hall in a palace, the Ming House, ding, and other construction. Dongling strict construction, fine carving, reflecting the ancient Chinese architectural art of fine traditional and unique style.

The new music site

The new music site is now more than 7200 years ago, primitive society of the early Neolithic a matriarchal commune inhabited village sites, archaeological finds there are stone implements, pottery, Meijing products, such as the site of the ancient room. Which unearthed the "wooden bird" in Shenyang unearthed during the longest of the precious cultural relics, but also the world's only save of the oldest wooden crafts.

Nanguan Cathedral

Nanguan Cathedral was built in 1878, sitting south, the European Gothic architecture, the two bell tower 45 meters high, from the halls supported by 24 pillars, the structure of the novel, one which can accommodate more than 1,000 people worship

Qipanshan international tourist zone

International Qipanshan tourist development zone is located in the northeastern Shenyang, mountainous area, winding valley, the waters of the vast, verdant forests, spring BUZZ, Jade, is a set of beautiful natural scenery and cultural history as one of the scenic spots. The green area in the spring, the summer doldrums and the fall of the maple, said the winter snow. In addition to beautiful scenery, there are scenic spots in the mountain city of Koguryo relics, Nan Tianmen, the Fairy Cave, the mother rock, will be Taiwan, Xiangyang Temple, Lin, and other birds in the world famous scenic. World ice Qipanshan Chen Cheng is a winter tourist hot spots. Shenyang Qipai international competition organized by the Center as a result of many famous international chess tournament. There Shenyang Forest Safari Park, Leisure Sports Plaza, Ocean Hill Forest Park, and so it has become a leisure and entertainment, the ideal place to return to nature.

Ancient meteorite

Shenyang ancient meteorite found in 168 square kilometers southeast of Shenyang, the largest of which is located in a Dongling District of Lee Sang-Talc Taishan Township, 160 meters long, 54 meters wide, 42 meters high and weighing about 2,000,000 tons, is the world's largest The ancient meteorite. It was formed 45 million years ago, 19 million years before the fall, can be called a heaven-sent treasure, unique in the world.


Guaipo at Metro-cap area Shanxi Lu, in the face of the wilderness, according to the back mountains, the West is a high-low-east slope, Bai Yumi slope length, 20 meters wide, will have a slope in this wonderful phenomenon, that is, a variety of Vehicles are not open to this downhill (leg) does not go uphill and do not open (leg) would be natural to glide slope, known as the "one China must" Guaipo, there are sound Hill, the top Ong, Shen Yang Hu Park , Wolong Temple, and other tourist attractions.

Forest Safari Park

Shenyang Forest Safari Park as a state-level f orest wildlife park, located in Shenyang Qipanshan tourist spots in the country, covers an area of 2,400,000 square meters. Zoo landscape from Tokyo, Japan Setouchi Gardening Co., Ltd. will be designed Hall landscape. Park by the taxi company stock to watch wild areas, walking cage to watch the playground area and composition of the lake. The wild-range viewing area taxi companies accounted for 1,500,000 square meters area by the Hushan, Bear Pass, Wolf Valley, Shiling, the Asian steppe animals, the animals of the African grasslands, lakes, and other water birds in seven areas, on display from Asia, Zhenqidongwu Africa, nearly 100 species of only 3,000.

Zhang Shuai Fu

"Zhang Shuai Fu", also known as "Da Shuaifu" and "House Young Marshal" Zhang Zuolin and its chief warlord Feng Ji, the eldest son, a famous patriotic general Zhang Xueliang's residence and the private residence.































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3、沈陽故宮,原名盛京宮闕,后稱奉天行宮。位于沈陽市沈河區(qū)明清舊城中心。占地面積約6萬平方米,有建筑90余所,300余間。始建于后金天命十年(明天啟五年,1625年),初成于清崇德元年(明崇禎九年,公元1636年) 。清順治元年(1644年),清朝移都北京后,成為“陪都宮殿”。從康熙十年(1671年)到道光九年(1829年)間,清朝皇帝11次東巡祭祖謁陵曾駐蹕于此,并有所擴(kuò)建。



The Harbin Ice Festival

The Harbin Ice Festival, established in 1985, is held annually from January 5 and lasts for over one month. Harbin is the capital city of Heilongjiang Province and this is China's original and greatest ice artwork festival, attracting hundreds of thousands of local people and visitors from all over the world.

The city's location in northeast China accounts for its arctic climate which provides abundant natural ice and snow. Subsequently, the 'Ice City' of Harbin is recognized as the cradle of ice and snow art in China and is famous for its exquisite and artistic ice and snow sculptures. The fabulous Ice Lantern Festival was the forerunner of the current festival and is still the best loved part of the overall event in the opinion of all who come to Harbin each year.

The Derivation of the Ice Lantern

The first Ice lanterns were a winter-time tradition in northeast China. During the Qing Dynasty(1644 - 1911), the local peasants and fishermen often made and used ice lanterns as jack-lights during the winter months. At that time these were made simply by pouring water into a bucket that was then put out in the open to freeze. It was then gently warmed before the water froze completely so that the bucket-shaped ice could be pulled out. A hole was chiseled in the top and the water remaining inside poured out creating a hollow vessel. A candle was then placed inside resulting in a windproof lantern that gained great popularity in the region around Harbin.

From then on, people made ice lanterns and put them outside their houses or gave them to children to play with during some of the traditional festivals. Thus the ice lantern began its long history of development. With novel changes and immense advancement in techniques, today we can marvel at the various delicate and artistic ice lanterns on display.

Today's Ice Lantern

Nowadays, ice lantern in broad sense refers to a series of plastic arts using ice and snow as raw material combining ice artworks with colored lights and splendid music. The specific patterns of ice lantern include ice and snow sculptures, ice flowers, ice architectures and so on.

Harbin Ice Festival provides the visitors each year a whole new world of ice and snow. The best collections of ice artworks are exhibited in three main places: the Sun Island Park, Harbin Ice and Snow World, and Zhaolin Park.

The Sun Island Park is the site of the Snow Sculpture Exposition displaying a wonderful snow world. It has the world's largest indoor ice and snow art museum and it opens to the public from November every year.

Harbin Ice and Snow World came into being in 1999 and is one of the world's largest ice architecture parks. The inspiration for the ice and snow sculptures there usually is derived from traditional Chinese fairy tales or world famous architectures such as the Great Wall, the Egyptian Pyramids, etc.

Zhaolin Park is a 'must see' during the Harbin Ice Festival because it has a traditional program that shows the most excellent ice lanterns. With water, lights and the natural ice from the Songhua River running through Harbin as the material, the ice lanterns are made by freezing water, piling up ice or snow, then carving, enchasing, decorating, etc. The ice lantern park touring activities have been held here annually since 1963 and is said to be one of the most wonderful 35 tourist attractions in China. There are numerous pieces of ice artworks in the park arranged in groups according to different themes depicting Chinese classic masterworks, European folktales and customs and so on. A great variety of objects such as buildings, gardens, flowers, waterfalls, European-styled churches, lions, tigers, dragons are carved from ice. In the daytime, the ice sculptures are magnificent and verisimilitude. Moreover, with the interspersion of the sparkling colored lights embedded in the sculptures at night, the park becomes a glorious and amazing ice world.

Today, Harbin Ice Festival is not only an exposition of ice and snow art, but also an annual cultural event for international exchange. Every year, there are many ice sculpture experts, artists and fans from America, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Russia, China, etc. gathering in Harbin to participate ice sculpting competitions and to communicate with each other in the ice and snow world. Also, Harbin ice lanterns have been exhibited in most of China's main cities as well as in many countries in Asia, Europe, North America, Africa and Oceania. For more than 40 years, Harbin's natural resource of ice and snow has been fully explored to provide joy and fun for visitors to the city. Now during the festival, many sporting competitions are also popular including ice-skating, sledding and so on. Weddings, parties and other entertainments are now very much a feature of this ice world, adding their own contribution to the celebrations of this great festival of art, culture, sports and tourism.



Shenyang scenic spot is located at the foot of Maoshan mountain in Shenbei New District of Shenyang City. The scenery here is beautiful and pleasant.


Shenyang scenic area is intoxicated by its strange phenomenon of "upside down".


Shenyang scenic spot can be called a garden with strange, quiet, special and interesting features. the natural also? feet stamp hard, which makes the sound of emptymountain。

此外還有,有驚無險(xiǎn)的“同心索橋”;龍?jiān)葡嚅g,騰空向上的“龍?jiān)?a href='/techan/16770' target=_blank>石雕”等。

In addition, there are "concentric cable bridges" with no danger, and "dragon cloud stone carvings" with dragon clouds alternating and soaring upward.


All kinds of facilities in the scenic spot are complete, and a service system of "eating, living, traveling, traveling, shopping and entertainment" has been formed.


In addition, it is a good place to visit for its superior geographical location, simple folk customs and long history.




2、 人們按比例做了一個(gè)模型,發(fā)現(xiàn)怪坡現(xiàn)象仍然存在,因此排除了外界磁場(chǎng)等影響,然后又用儀器測(cè)量,有人發(fā)現(xiàn)上坡的地方其實(shí)質(zhì)是下坡,因?yàn)檫@些地方的特殊地形地貌,導(dǎo)致人們大腦對(duì)事實(shí)的判斷錯(cuò)誤。




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