

導(dǎo)讀:犬的英文介紹旅游景點(關(guān)于狗狗的英語介紹) 用英語介紹小狗5句話帶翻譯是什么? 用英文簡要介紹一下狗狗 世界名犬英文介紹 關(guān)于狗的英文簡介 狗的英文介紹



I have a dog, it is lovely, it is called Mimi. Every time I go home from school, Mimi always cruising around me. I will go to the kitchen to get a piece of meat to it, it lay on the floor to eat. And then jump to?my legs?with barking "Wang ". So I picked up Mimi, it is the opportunity to lick my hand, making me laugh.



Dogs (Latin Canis lupus familiaris) belong to chordate, vertebrate, Mammalia, Mammalia, Carnivora, schizopodia and Canidae. Also known as "dog" in Chinese, dogs are distributed all over the world.

Dog and horse, ox, sheep, pig, chicken are called "six animals". Some scientists think that dogs were domesticated by early humans from gray wolves, and the domestication time was from 40000 to 15000 years ago.

Known as "the most loyal friend of human beings", it is the pet with the highest feeding rate, and its life span is about 12-18 years. In Chinese culture, dog belongs to one of the twelve zodiac animals, ranking 11th among them.


狗(拉丁文Canis lupus familiaris)屬于脊索動物門、脊椎動物亞門、哺乳綱、真獸亞綱、食肉目、裂腳亞目、犬科動物。中文亦稱“犬”,狗分布于世界各地。狗與馬、牛、羊、豬、雞并稱“六畜”。

有科學(xué)家認(rèn)為狗是由早期人類從灰狼馴化而來,馴養(yǎng)時間在4萬年前~1.5萬年前。被稱為“人類最忠實的朋友”,是飼養(yǎng)率最高的寵物,其壽命大約在12~18年? 。在中國文化中,狗屬于十二生肖之一,在十二生肖中的第11位。






Caucasus mastiff:(高加索犬)Source area: Russia,Caucasus Republic(原產(chǎn)地)Origin time: Middle ages (起源時間)At first use: Domestic animal nursing dog(起初用途)Now use:Domestic animal nursing dog,Security(現(xiàn)在用途)Body weight scope:45-70 kilograms(體重范圍)Body high scope: 64-72 centimeters(體高范圍) The Caucasus sheepdog and the outstanding protection dog is similar, for 600 years have protected at least are living are exempt from human and other animal's violation in here sheep. (高加索牧羊犬與優(yōu)秀的守護(hù)犬相似,至少600年來一直守護(hù)著生活在這里的羊免受人類和其它動物的侵害。) - Naples mastiff:(那不勒斯獒)Source area: ItalyAt first use:The domestic animal guards the dog, the Fighting dogNow use:Companion dog,Protect guard dogBody weight scope: 50-68 kilogramsBody high scope::65-75 centimetersIt is one of most dangerous dog types in the world, The very developed muscle cover chest, the shoulder swells from is stuck out slightly by the line, the thigh muscle is long, and the width, the dense thin short smooth wool covers the whole body (它是世界上最危險的犬種之一,非常發(fā)達(dá)的肌肉覆蓋胸部,肩隆從被線微微隆起,大腿肌肉長且寬,密細(xì)短光滑的毛覆蓋全身) Fila:(巴西非勒犬)Source area: BrazilOrigin time:In the 19th centuryAt first use:Tracing, large-scale huntingNow use::Companion dog,Protect guard dogBody weight scope: 41-50 kilograms Body high scope: 61-76 centimeterssaid from some significance, it has played the very important role in Brazil's history's each different period. Moreover it not only has the connection with the history, but is also connected with Brazil's colonizer's life and the destiny question (從某個意義上說,非勒在巴西的歷史的各個不同階段都扮演了非常重要的角色。而且它不僅和歷史有關(guān)聯(lián),還和巴西的殖民者的生活和命運問題相關(guān)聯(lián))。 Dogo Argentina(阿根廷杜高犬)Source area: ArgentinaOrigin time: In the 1920sAt first use:Hunting competition,the Fighting dog Now use: Companion dogBody weight scope: 36-45 kilogramsBody high scope: 61-69centimetersDogo is one which of minority dog trained in South America ,It‘s in order to hunt the puma and the cougar。(杜高是在南美培育的少數(shù)犬品種之一,為了狩獵美洲豹和美洲獅的獵犬育成了該品種)。


it seems that dog is the best animal friend of people in the world.dog is natually friendly to people.

1.A dog's nose and a maid's knees are always cold.(狗鼻子和少女膝蓋總是涼的。) 2.Before you hit the dog, look at the master.(打狗看主人。這一句是中文成語翻成英文。因為打一個人的狗,你就得罪了它的主人。If you beat a dog, you insult his master.)

3.When the dog is beaten, the lion is tamed.(獅子馴,狗挨捶。在中文中,有一句很像的成語:“高鳥盡,良弓藏;狡兔死,走狗烹?!币部梢院唵蔚卣f“兔死狗烹”,翻成英文是After the cunning hare is killed,the hound is boiled.這里hound是獵犬,hare是野兔。hare的多數(shù)也是hare,有一種游戲叫hare and hounds,裝兔的一邊撤紙一邊跑,裝狗的在后面追。還有一句英文是Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.意思是跟兔子跑又跟狗迫,表示一個人騎墻滑頭,兩邊討好,兩邊都不得罪。)

4.He who has a mind to beat a dog,will easily find a stick.(想打狗的,不愁找不到棒子。)

5.Every dog has his day.是成語,但說成Every dog has its day and every cat its night.更有意思(每條狗都有它得意的一天,每只貓都有它得意的一晚上)。

6.The more I see of men,the more I admire dogs.(我看到的人愈多,我愈欣賞狗。)狗的特色是忠心,尤其不因為主人倒霉就做打落水狗的事。打落水狗是人干的事,不是狗干的事。這句英文的意思是人不如狗。說這句話的是法國名女人羅蘭夫人(Madame Roland)。她后來被老同志害死了。

7.He that sleeps with dogs, must rise with fleas.(跟狗躺下的就要跟跳蚤起來。這句有點中文“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”的意思,勸人交朋友要小心。)(你養(yǎng)小狗要注意替它們捉跳蚤,并問清楚該怎么給它們洗澡。)

8.Dog won't eat dog,but men will eat each other up like cannibals.(狗不吃狗,但人吃人,cannibal是吃人肉的野蠻人,但文明人也“吃人”,吃法不同就是了。)


The dog is a canine mammal of the Order Carnivora. Dogs were first domesticated from wolves at least 12,000 years ago[1] but perhaps as long as 150,000 years ago based on recent genetic fossil evidence and DNA evidence[2]. In this time, the dog has developed into hundreds of breeds with a great degree of variation. For example, heights at the withers range from just a few inches (such as the Chihuahua) to roughly three feet (such as the Irish Wolfhound), and colors range from white to black, with reds, grays (usually called blue), and browns occurring in a tremendous variation of patterns.

Dogs, like humans, are highly social animals and pack hunters; this similarity in their overall behavioral pattern accounts for their trainability, playfulness, and ability to fit into human households and social situations. Dogs fill a variety of roles in human society and are often trained as working dogs. For dogs that do not have traditional jobs, a wide range of dog sports provide the opportunity to exhibit their natural skills. In many countries, the most common and perhaps most important role of dogs is as companions. Dogs have lived with and worked with humans in so many roles that their loyalty has earned them the sobriquet "man's best friend." Conversely, some cultures consider dogs to be unclean. In other cultures, some dogs are used as food.




Contents [hide]

1 Terminology

2 Physical characteristics

3 Intelligence

4 Diet

4.1 Treats

4.2 Dangerous substances

5 Reproduction

5.1 Fertility

5.2 Menarche

5.3 Pregnancy and litters

6 Spaying and neutering

7 Attributes

7.1 Sight

7.2 Hearing

7.3 Scenting

7.4 Direction and spatial sense

7.5 Weather detection

8 Dog health

8.1 Diseases

8.2 Parasites

8.3 Common physical disorders

9 Behavior

9.1 Interactions between Dogs and Humans

9.2 Dogs as working partners

9.3 Dogs as hunting and sporting partners

9.4 Dogs as pets

9.5 Attacks on humans and livestock

9.6 Abandoned dogs

10 Ancestry and history of domestication

10.1 Wolf ancestors

10.2 Speed of domestication

10.3 Dogs as food

11 Dog breeds

11.1 Neoteny in the rapid evolution of diverse dog breeds

12 See also

13 References and further reading

14 External links


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